고운행시 2011
0315 / - K 리그 -고운행시 2011 2011. 3. 15. 00:30
- K 리그 - 무적 상주 상무팀 승점 1점 챙기는데 부산이 들러리 (03/15/2011/六峰 정동희)
0313 / ALARA (얼라라)고운행시 2011 2011. 3. 13. 11:40
ALARA(얼라라) : As Low As Reasonably Achievable written by Jung, Dong-Hee Atomic bomb is terrible bomb as you know very well Lessons learned says to us what severe damage of that ALARA by ICRP is very important principle about that Radioactive material is too dangerous to human being Also, we must not to be exposed to the radioactive rain 여러분이 잘 아시다시피 원자탄은 무서..