SERVICE (2005 0516)영어행시방(주인) 2005. 8. 25. 17:05
Several members will be there maybe... Early of June meeting... Rainy day...or... Very hot day...? It doesn't matter with us... Covered tents are there and just riverside... Everthing is O.K. still now... 아마도 몇명 정도는 참석하겠지... 유월초 모임 말인데... 비가 오거나... 아주 더워도...? 전혀 상관 없어... 거기엔 차양막이 있고 바로 강변이니..
SERVICE (2005 0515)영어행시방(주인) 2005. 8. 24. 11:16
Seoul is Seoul forever... End of Seoul?...It doesn't makes sense... Remove Seoul?...That's non-sense... Vehicle's full...crowded...lot's of noise and pollution but... If more one...should be no problem I think... Changing Capital Project must not furture... Everybody have to think about it as deeply... 서울은 영원한 서울이야... 서울...끝장이라고?...말도 안돼... 서울을 ..
LUCKY (2005 0703)영어행시방(주인) 2005. 8. 23. 07:28
LUCKY~~!!!...ms LUCKY...Happy birthday to you...!!! Ups~~?!...I almost forgot about it...hahaha Congratulations~~!!! Keep the health during the rainy seasons...and... You'd better see me at next meeting... 럭키~~!!!...럭키님 생일 축하해요...!!! 거의 깜빡할 뻔 했지요...하하하 축하드려요~~!!! 장마철에 몸조심 하시고요... 다음 모임 땐 꼭 나오실거죠?..
VITAMIN (2005 0404)영어행시방(주인) 2005. 8. 16. 00:17
Vegetables are very good for health...but... Instant food is very bad as you know... Tobacco give us heavey damage...and... Alcohol give us same results whenever overdrink... Many peoples know that very well... In my case... No smoking no coffee but I'd like vitamins... 야채는 우리 몸에 아주 좋지만... 알다시피 인스턴트 식품은 매우 나쁩니다... 담배는 우리에게 ..